
私たちは2011年当時、震災を受けて、10年後の未来へ向けて行動するためのフラッグ「IMAGE 2021’SSENDAI」を掲げました。私たちは2021年の仙台が、理想とするまちへ復興を成し遂げるため、そして、この地に生まれ、この地で育つ子供たちのために、単なる傍観者としてではなく当事者意識をもって、全国・全世界からいただいたご支援への感謝の気持ちを決して忘れることなく、希望に満ち溢れた未来を思い描ける地域を取り戻す責任がある。そんな気概をこのフラッグに込めております。

公益社団法人 仙台青年会議所 理事長 菅原 啓太

This year, we will count 10 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We have received a lot of support from members all over the country. Thank you very much. At the time of the earthquake in 2011, we raised the flag "IMAGE 2021 SENDAI" to act for the future 10 years from now. We have a responsibility to bring back a region where Sendai in 2021 can achieve reconstruction into its ideal city and to remember the hope-filled future for the children born and growing up here, not just as bystanders but with a sense of responsibility, never forgetting the gratitude for the support we have received from all over the world. Such a thought is in this flag. In addition, this year, we have been aiming to become the venue of the International Academy as a place where more people can experience the city that they bring back things that will be beneficial to your community. We hope that the participants will feel as much as possible and give back to their own region.

Keita Sugawara JCI Sendai President

ピンチをチャンスへ変えることが私たちにはできます  より良い未来に向けて、世界は一つ

公益社団法人 仙台青年会議所
国際アカデミー実行委員長 大髙 成美
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you from 88 countries and all over Japan for participating in the 34th JCI Academy in Sendai, in spite that the spread of the new coronavirus infection threatens the world.
We would also like to thank the local communities, the governments, and all concerned for their cooperation in holding this academy, and we would like to thank you again for holding this academy.
As the executive LOM, we set the theme of this JCI Academy is “the Spirit of Date Masamune”, who has been rooted in Sendai citizens for more than 450 years, and “Expression of Our Gratitude” for the support and cooperation we received from all over Japan at the time the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
Even though it will be different from JCI academy we originally wanted to hold, we will make the best use of Online.
As the executive committee director, my dream used to hug and say directly to each and every one of the participants, "Welcome to Sendai!"
Unfortunately, the dream doesn’t come true at this year, but through the 34th JCI Academy in Sendai, we would like you to be fond of my favorite city, Sendai, and became a fan of Sendai.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Sendai someday in the future.
We can turn this crisis into an opportunity.  One world for a better future
 We will work together with all the people involved to create the best academy and make every effort to create a business that will have an impact on the city. 

Narumi Otaka
 JCI Academy Director
 JCI Sendai

  ピンチをチャンスへ変えることが私たちにはできます  より良い未来に向けて、世界は一つ

 公益社団法人 仙台青年会議所
国際アカデミー実行委員長 大髙 成美
 We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you from 88 countries and all over Japan for participating in the 34th JCI Academy in Sendai, in spite that the spread of the new coronavirus infection threatens the world.
 We would also like to thank the local communities, the governments, and all concerned for their cooperation in holding this academy, and we would like to thank you again for holding this academy.
 As the executive LOM, we set the theme of this JCI Academy is “the Spirit of Date Masamune”, who has been rooted in Sendai citizens for more than 450 years, and “Expression of Our Gratitude” for the support and cooperation we received from all over Japan at the time the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
 Even though it will be different from JCI academy we originally wanted to hold, we will make the best use of Online.
 As the executive committee director, my dream used to hug and say directly to each and every one of the participants, "Welcome to Sendai!"
 Unfortunately, the dream doesn’t come true at this year, but through the 34th JCI Academy in Sendai, we would like you to be fond of my favorite city, Sendai, and became a fan of Sendai.
 I am looking forward to seeing you in Sendai someday in the future.
  We can turn this crisis into an opportunity.  One world for a better future
 We will work together with all the people involved to create the best academy and make every effort to create a business that will have an impact on the city. 

Narumi Otaka
 JCI Academy Director
 JCI Sendai